In the Community

Big Gust Day Winner

Emily, Grantsburg Branch Teller, presents Eden a $50 Visa Gift Card. Emily hosted a guessing game at Grantsburg Indianhead Credit Union for kids 12 and under on Big Gust Day, 6/05/2021. All participants received a “goodie bag” and Eden guessed the closest amount of animals in a jar to win. Congratulations Eden!

Meals on Wheels Donation

Through a generous donation from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago, Indianhead Credit Union nominated Meals on Wheels in Spooner, WI to receive $5000.00.

Grantsburg Area Food Shelf Donation

Through a generous donation from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago, Indianhead Credit Union nominated the Grantsburg Area Food Shelf to receive $5000.00.

Ruth House Donation

Through a generous donation from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago, Indianhead Credit Union nominated Ruth House in Superior WI to receive $5000.00.

December 2020 – Superior ICU participates in the Toys For Tots annual toy drive each year.